Takeaways from the Youpreneursummit 2018

Last weekend I had the chance to attend the youpreneursummit in London. It was an amazing event with around 400 participants hosted by Chris Ducker and his team.

Both days were fully packed with keynotes from great speakers and experienced entrepreneurs. I gained a lot of insights about how (online) businesses can be successful and that basically this success is possible for everyone. It "just" needs consistency and the energy to take step by step to reach your goals.

I have summarized my key takeaways from the talks in one visual: 112018 Youpreneursummit Takeaways

Of all this great advice, ideas and best practices the most important insight for me was provided by Carrie Wilkerson. Her brilliant talk was the first keynote of the summit and it was my first opportunity to visualize the information with a sketchnote.

112018 Youpreneursummit Carrie Wilkerson

Carrie stated that there is no need to look at successful entrepreneurs and that it doesn't make sense to strive for their success. She suggested to look for just one mentor or coach instead and to really listen to yourself and to know and trust your skills.

It is your uniqueness that makes the difference. It's time to make it all happen!